Per use case

We recognize that data is only as useful as the insights you draw from it

Begin Your Journey

Single location risk profile

Zoom in any of your buildings in the world and obtain a 360-degree risk exposure view. Access to your location internal data, combined with selected external data from governmental agencies and third-party location intelligence data providers.

Move the marker to the center of the building roof and update the coordinates automatically.

Download the complete location risk profile in an excel file.

Property portfolio(s) risk assessment

Visualize your property portfolio(s) on a map and filter dynamically on any value to gain a granular understanding of your risk exposure.

Combine your portfolio financial data with location intelligence risk data from governmental agencies and third-party data providers to analyze your exposure to natural disasters and develop a peril scoring.

Track the aggregations of any value on any radius or geographical perimeter. Toggle from map view to table view and dashboard view.

Develop interactive reports and/or chose from preset reports and download into an excel format.

What if scenarios

Map your locations against natural hazard maps or historical events.

Draw graphical shapes to filter and perform what-if scenarios. You can move the shapes on the map to simulate variations of the scenarios.

Open the analytics tab to compute the financial impacts on the locations that could be impacted.

Develop business continuity planning to protect people, assets, and operations.

Accumulations tracking

Assess the accumulation of selected value within any defined radius (in meters, km, feet, or miles) with our clustering algorithm and visualize areas of high intensity with the heatmap feature.

Visualize the portfolio values dissemination with our thematic (choropleth) maps, from the world level 1 administrative divisions down to the postal code level 4 in the countries, with dynamic indicators and analytics at each of the 4 administrative sub-divisions levels.

Draw shapes on the map to visually filter specific areas.

Use our geometries search engine to select any administrative sub-divisions around the world to build an aggregated region and analyze the related risks exposure in that region.

Property underwriting

Augment the portfolio data with selected external data to gain a granular assessment of a single property or an entire portfolio.

Track values accumulations to assess how a new property or a discrete portfolio may impact the current book of properties within the insurer underwriting guidelines and reinsurance treaties.

Filter on any financial value, COPE data (occupancy, construction…), geographical perimeter and improve the risk selection and the premium rate calculation with better accuracy.

Develop peril scoring analytics and what if scenarios with visual filters to better define CAT premiums in exposed areas.

Event response

Monitor live severe weather events as they unfold with our powerful alert notifications engine to optimize loss mitigation, crisis management, and the deployment of claims management resources.

Project losses across portfolios to maintain adequate reserves for claims payouts. Minimize fraudulent claims.

Data augmentation

Augment existing company data with selected external location intelligence data (Government agencies, natural disasters risk exposure, building attributes, replacement costs, IPCC CMIP6 climate change…) and download instantaneously the comprehensive dataset.

Access company data and selected external location intelligence data at a building level and download the full location profile.

Geospatial data ingestion

All locations in a portfolio are linked to be filtered and visualized with all existing map overlays.

Maptycs can implement additional map overlays or geospatial data that are requested by clients. This data may be provided by government agencies or third-party data providers.

The client company data will also be automatically linked to these additional datasets for filtering and analytics purposes.

Capital Management

Track values accumulation (thematic maps, clustering, visual filters) within selected radius or geographical perimeter to develop reinsurance strategy across portfolios for various CAT perils.

Project losses across portfolios during and after severe weather events to maintain adequate reserves for claims payouts.

Renewals submissions

Visualize the properties portfolio(s) on a map and filter dynamically on any value to gain a granular understanding of the risk exposure.

Combine the portfolio financial data with location intelligence risk data from governmental agencies and third-party data providers to analyze the exposure to natural disasters and develop peril scoring.

Use the preset renewal submission template to develop a complete renewal submission report in just a few clicks.

Risk analytics & reports

Create custom and interactive reports quickly to identify actionable insights, download, and share your analyses with stakeholders.

In a few clicks develop and download our preset reports such as renewal submissions and climate risks reports.

Climate Risk Assessment

Leverage our customized IPCC CMIP6 Climate Change Module to assess the vulnerabilities of your property assets for any SSP scenarios from today until 2100+. This includes variations of temperatures, precipitations, population density, snowfall, wind and sea level rise.

Search any address or set of coordinates in the world and download the complete climate change risk profile to assess the impact on your location or investment.

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