April 2021

Location intelligence with big data analytics reveal patterns and trends to anticipate their customer needs. Geospatial

Updated or modified climate risk models can dramatically shift risk strategies. When CAT risk models change,

More than a third of risk professionals reported they increased their use of #risktech in the

Geospatial visualization and mapping opens up impactful data analytics. Projecting risks, proactively managing real-time events, and

Geospatial visualization is a gamechanger in climate resilience, providing both a holistic framework and conveyance device

The new wave of Covid-variants heightens the importance of proactive risk management. Organizations that take a

Quote of the Week: “The availability of information on a map allows people to use and

Commercial P&C insurance rates rose 7% in the first quarter of 2021, with CAT prone areas

Forecasts for the 2021 hurricane season are beginning to emerge, with the most recent WeatherBELL forecast

Collaborative risk management is a supply chain superpower against disruptions; As the saying goes, you are