November 2021

“You cannot manage your risk if you don’t know what your risk is. It’s the risks

With news from the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference indicating a stronger international commitment to combatting

“Without good data, you don’t even really have a ticket to the race.” Effective risk mitigation

For risk and insurance professionals, speed and time is everything – in responding to catastrophic events,

Climate risk affects how portfolio can build their portfolios over the next two years, and accurately

The rise in insurance pricing, client expectations, and climate risk frequencies all demand updates to traditional

Great #insurtech support the people who actually use it, rather than simply add extra work and

Successful risk and insurance professionals are great storytellers, finding the underlying narrative within risk exposure data.

The Three Principles to follow when adopting the best #insurtech and #risktech to support your team:

Accurate climate risk analytics is “the biggest single opportunity the insurance industry has ever seen” as