
The number of billion dollar weather and climate disasters in the U.S. during 2021 has been

For insurers and reinsurers, a firmer understanding of climate risks and opportunities is necessary to create

Almost all rating agencies are reevaluating how they handle catastrophe risk, particularly related to property risk

The key to great risk management is balance. Find the actionable insights hidden in your risk

The intuition, the creativity, and the empathy of risk and insurance professionals can not be replaced.

The pandemic is no longer the top concern for insurers – instead, “climate change is back

“Insurance has always been a people business — the industry is built on relationships and helping

FEMA’s new Risk Rating 2.0 goes into effect for new policies, shifting how flood insurance premiums

Energy spent hunting down the correct documents, or diving through multiple spreadsheets, is energy taken away

Impactful #insurtech is more than just the technology; it requires a deep understanding of how risk