Quote of the Week: “One of the key lessons to take away from the pandemic is
Do you still rely on spreadsheets for risk management? Data security issues are inherent to overreliance
Tropical Storm Claudette was the first named storm of the Atlantic #hurricaneseason2021 to make landfall this
With an expanded work-from-home practices, severe weather events present new risks. Even as pandemic shutdowns are
Contextualizing the “where” of risk opens up answers to the “why” and “how” of risk management.
Just because an area hasn’t flooded before, don’t assume it won’t know. “We’re in a new
Re/insurance rates are forecasted to continue hardening through 2022, according to Swiss Re. Risk and insurance
Quote of the Week: “True ESG reporting standards are still evolving, but the base data that
G7 finance ministers moved strongly towards forcing climate risk disclosures for banks and companies this weekend,
Ensuring your risk data is up-to-date and reliable are key for effective risk management. While spreadsheets
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