
Quote of the Week: “Tech puts us in the location, shows us what’s happened, predicts what

California’s temporary ban on insurer policy cancellation is set to expire, which may prompt a mass

Storm Alex is likely to become the costliest European catastrophe this year, with flooding related impacts

The new AGCS report details the longer term changes businesses must make post-pandemic. For the future,

One of the only ways for private insurance companies to reduce the cost of systemic risk

Quote of the week: “The problem of maintaining business operations in an increasingly volatile and complex

Insurance customer expectations are always evolving, and brokers must take advantage of the predictive analytics from

The lackluster response to catastrophes over the past few years, coupled with the ripple effects and

Quote of the week from the Claims Innovation Virtual Conference: “Data is vital because you want

The New York Superintendent of Financial Services ordered both domestic and foreign insurers to “start integrating