
The importance of risk data is already well established, but effectively leveraging that data in more

P&C insurers can not afford to treat climate-related catastrophic events as isolated incidents as natural disasters

Risk and insurance professionals are uniquely poised to build climate risk resilience, being at the forefront

The majority of risk managers don’t have clear visibility of climate risks affecting their value chain,

Emerging technologies are a conduit for more effective human interactions; it should bolster the capacities of

The devil is in the details. Climate risk and regulations require organizations with a global presence

As the January renewal period approaches, reducing and controlling natural catastrophe exposure top the list of

“The first step to managing climate risk is measuring climate risk.” Analyze and understand climate risks

New wildfire models predict record-breaking fire losses placing more weight on recent years given the rise

Reinsurance rates are likely to increase once again in the new year. With renewal periods on